Anthropology 实验室

Collections Manager; Wesley Jackson


实验室 is committed to working with students and faculty. We follow the guidance from the University Virus Action Team. Computers, printers, research material and other 实验室 resources remain avai实验室le for use.

Projects involving archaeological, 动物区系的, or bio archaeological material as well as use of recorders, 相机, 笔记本电脑, or other electronics will be reviewed case-by-case to determine best avai实验室le practices. Please contact the 实验室 supervisor, Wesley Jackson ([email protected]), with any questions


Curator of Anthropology; Dr. Steven Dorland

Lab Calendar

Contact Lab Supervisor, Wesley Jackson ([email protected]), to reserve a 实验室 space.

Lab is located at 249 Lake Michigan Hall.

的 Anthropology Department has several spaces designed to cater to the many facets of the discipline. 的 猫王实验室 is designed for ethnographic and linguistic anthropology while the 生物实验室 specializes in biological and physical anthropology. Other spaces are designated for archaeological curation and research. 的 Anthropology Lab, the primary center for student activity, is located at LMH 249 (see photos). Our old Lab is still located at 31B Lake Michigan Hall, but is used primarily for equipment storage. 实验室 provides a state-of-the-art facility for faculty, staff, and students.  It is the focus of research in archaeology, 生物物理, and cultural anthropology research, as well as student activities.


Anthropology Lab

的 Lab is a busy place. 的 Anthropology Club meets  weekly, and it is also the meeting place of the Wright L. Coffinberry Chapter of the Michigan Archaeological Society on the second Thursday of each month. You'll also find students working on projects and faculty conducting research on a collection of over 200,000 artifacts from over 300 网站. 的 Lab is open to all anthropology students - drop in and make yourself at home, study, look over the anthropology library, and introduce yourself to other students, faculty and the 实验室 supervisor, Wesley Jackson.

的 Lab is used for a hands-on instructional space for students in current courses, research space for faculty and students to conduct individual and university research, public outreach and community and school presentations. We are also a repository for the GVSU and W. L. Coffinberry archaeological collections as well as associated records and databases.

的 Anthropology Department houses over 200,000 archaeological artifacts from more than 300 网站 as well as 50 years of associated paperwork and field notes. Proper curation is a focus of the Anthropology Department, with the Curator and Lab Supervisor actively maintaining the collections. 的 newly acquired storage area features compact shelving in a controlled climate. 内容管理 of archaeological artifacts requires continual management. 的 Curator and Lab Supervisor are currently working with student assistants on a multi-year project to standardize and improve the organization of the collections.

Along with curation, the diverse collections provide students and faculty the opportunity to engage in research projects. 专业 equipment, such as the Olympus polarizing microscope outfitted with a high resolution scientific camera for thin section analysis, allow possibilities for original research.

的 Biological Anthropology Lab is a space catering to biological and physical anthropological study. In addition to having a vast library of hominid skull cast for teaching and studying, the space also features a vented fume hood for experiment. An annual project creating chicken mummies is one of the uses of the hood.

实验室 acts as a class space as well as a study area for faculty and students.

的 Ethno, Linguistic, and Visual (ELVis) 实验室 is a space devoted to research and teaching in cultural and linguistic anthropology. 实验室 houses video and audio recording equipment, software for editing, transcription, and linguistic data analysis, and provides students and faculty with a sound-controlled space for conducting ethnographic interviews.


Page last modified September 8, 2022