
SLT 9.6

  1. 政策声明
  2. 程序


拥有和掌握一系列深思熟虑的观点是 开放的探究,自由的教育和健康的 社区. 认识到这一点,大学寻求包括,参与, 并支持多元化的学生、教师和工作人员. 的 institution values a multiplicity of opinions and backgrounds, and is dedicated to incorporating multiple voices and experiences into every 其运作方面. 我们致力于建立体制机制 capacity and strengthening our liberal education through providing an 为我们所有的大学成员提供包容的环境.

Many University students, staff, and 教师 observe religious 来自各种宗教的传统. 宗教包容 Policy (“Policy”) acknowledges the right of students, staff, and 参加宗教仪式的能力. 大学是 承诺为行使这一权利提供便利.

的 University acknowledges that conflicts in scheduling mandatory academic requirements and employment obligations with religious 仪式是不可避免的. 虽然大学没有观察 religious holidays, it recognizes that there are a number of religious holidays that affect significant numbers of our students, staff, and 教师. 本政策旨在为学生提供清晰的信息, staff, and 教师 who seek 住宿 to practice their faith. 


博天堂官方将做出合理的努力 allow its students, staff, or 教师 to be away from work or a class to observe their religious beliefs, except where accommodating the request would result in undue hardship on 大学 in its 使命、运作或达到学术标准. 的 University provides quiet areas for student, staff, and 教师 反思、沉思和祈祷. 这些安静的地方的列表可能是 在“包容与公平”网页上找到.

教师 should be sensitive to the observance of religious holidays so that students who miss classes to practice their faith are not 弱势群体. 一份宗教节日的清单可以在包容性中找到 及股本网站. 请注意,这个列表的目的是 inclusive of most major religious traditions (although certainly not comprehensive), and that religious holidays have no official status at 大学.

教师 should make every effort to avoid scheduling examinations or 分配在宗教节日要完成的工作. 一些宗教 holidays begin at sundown on the evening before the published date of 这个节日. 因此,教师应该避免安排迟到 这几天下午考试.

教师 shall not penalize any student who has properly notified the 教师 member by complying with the Request Accommodation Procedure 旷课、旷考、旷工. 教师 should accept a student’s claim of a scheduling conflict on religious 表面价值的理由. 如果老师要求上课出勤 member, classes missed to observe a religious holiday may not be 算作缺勤.

教师 must provide a reasonable opportunity for such a student to make up missed assignments and examinations within a reasonable time period before or after the student’s absence, provided the student has 通过提交请求适当地通知教员 住宿形式. 教师必须给学生机会 做适当的补妆工作,不是更困难吗 比原来的考试或作业耗时.

Nothing in this Policy, however, exempts a student from meeting 课程要求或完成作业. 教职员工可以 respond appropriately if the student fails to satisfactorily complete 补考:补考作业或考试.

Further, when scheduling university events and activities, such as Family Weekend, Commencement, Convocation, and University sponsored conferences, planners should consult the list of religious holidays on the Inclusion 及股本网站 before selecting the date and time to 确保包容. 


All requests for 住宿 for religious observance should be 以下列方式作出: 

学生教师应将所有考试通知学生 dates and assignment deadlines at the start of each semester in the 课堂教学大纲. 如果与宗教仪式存在冲突, students must request a religious 住宿 from their 教师 within the first two weeks of each semester or as soon as reasonably possible after the instructor announces a particular mandatory class, examination, or assignment so that alternative arrangements can be 因缺课、考试或作业而补. 如果一个 住宿 is needed within the first two weeks of the semester, the student must provide the 教师 member with reasonable advance 需要住宿的通知. 住宿申请必须 be made through a Religious 住宿形式, which may be found at the Dean of 学生 Office, the Office of Affirmative Action or under “形式” www.博天堂官方.edu/inclusion. 它是 the student’s responsibility to provide 教师 with reasonable notice of the need for 住宿 and the timing of the notice may be taken into account in determining whether granting 请求 would 制造不适当的困难.

的 教师 member and the student should discuss and agree upon what 在每个特定情况下是否构成合理的通融. 如果 学生和教职员工商定住宿 住宿 must be carried out and disclosed on the Religious 住宿形式. 填妥的宗教住宿表格须 由教职员在学生办公室存档.

如果 student and 教师 member cannot agree on an 住宿, either party may bring the matter to the Unit Head to determine the 住宿. 任何一方均可就小组主管的决定向委员会提出上诉 院长,他将做出最终的约束性决定.

学生对安置地点有义务的地方(e.g. internships), that student must also work out arrangements with the placement site to make up for missed responsibilities or duties.

工作人员休假和事假的使用由 the staff member’s respective Board of Trustees' 政策, 工作人员 手册或集体谈判协议. 请休假 为明确目的而举行的宗教仪式将不予举行 unreasonably denied by the staff member’s supervisor if the staff member has accrued vacation leave or is eligible for personal leave and the granting of leave or vacation time will not result in undue GVSU的困难.

教师休假和事假的使用是受管理的 由教师手册. 教员请假的请求 religious 住宿, however, shall be considered under this Policy if the 教师 member has made arrangements for any missed classes and the granting of the leave will not result in undue GVSU的困难. 因宗教原因缺课的教师 observance must make alternate arrangements for that time with his or 她的单位主管. 如果单位负责人拒绝了请求,教师 may appeal to the Dean, who will have final decision authority over 请求.

Nothing in this Policy exempts a GVSU 教师 or staff member from 履行工作职责. 

虽然会行使自由裁量权,但保证 confidentiality or anonymity cannot be made because the determination of a reasonable religious 住宿 will involve discussions with 其他各方. 有关宗教请求的信息 住宿 will be revealed only as the deliberation process 需要. 将在法律允许的范围内遵守自由裁量权 and that is consistent with protecting the welfare of the students, 教职员工和大学的利益.

任何对个人进行报复的企图 religious 住宿 request or otherwise utilizes this Policy is prohibited.