

  • 高层领导团队




Disability Accommodation Policy for 教师 and 工作人员

SLT 9.5

  1. 政策声明
  2. 程序


大峡谷州立大学 is committed to the fundamental academic principles of equity and accessibility by providing all faculty, staff and students with access to the 大学’s programs, 服务、事件和活动. 这项政策的目的是支持 an inclusive academic environment by incorporating design concepts 减少或消除障碍. 大学教员或职员 who are persons with a disability are not required to identify themselves as persons with a disability or to request an 住宿. However, the 大学 cannot accommodate an individual who does not inform the 大学 about his/her disability 以及他/她对住宿的需求. 教员教员或职员 seeking an 住宿 must request it by submitting their request to the 残疾支援资源 Office following its procedures. 


The 残疾支援资源 Accommodation Process

To request an 住宿, a 大学 faculty or staff member must:

A. Self-identify as a person with a disability by application to the 残疾支援资源 office (DSR). It should be noted that The 大学 conducts a survey of faculty and staff for statistical purposes and this does not constitute a method of self identification consistent with this policy. 如果一个教员或 staff member requests an 住宿, the supervisor/unit administrator should refer the faculty or staff member to the DSR or 其网址为 http://www.伟谷州立University.edu/dsr/

B. Provide documentation of the disability; and

C. Indicate in the application to the Disability Support Resources office, his/her need for 住宿 and provide supporting medical documentation from an appropriate professional, if requested by the 残疾支援资源 office. 医疗 professional must have first-hand knowledge of the condition and a familiarity with the physical, emotional and cognitive demands of the disability.

Once an application has been submitted to the DSR, a DSR advisor will review the application and may contact the faculty or staff member who 提交申请. 指导老师会联系 supervisor/unit administrator and discuss whether an 住宿 is warranted, explore possible 住宿s, and assess the effectiveness each would have in enabling the faculty or staff member to perform his/her job including the following:

A. The essential job functions of the position. The essential functions are the fundamental job duties of the 争议的就业职位. 有资格胜任某一职位 individual must be able to perform the essential functions of the job, with or without a reasonable 住宿.

B. The faculty or staff member’s ability to perform essential job functions with or without a reasonable 住宿; and,

C. Possible types of reasonable 住宿s, 如果需要的话. 

Reasonable 住宿s vary depending on the circumstances of each 情况下. In evaluating alternatives for 住宿, the preferences of the individual are considered, but the ultimate decision regarding what type of 住宿, if any, will be provided is made by the 大学. Nothing in this document shall be construed to waive the 大学’s right to contest whether a faculty or staff member is disabled or is entitled to an 住宿.

Medical documentation, as well as other related materials, will be 维持在DSR. Such documentation is kept confidential, except as necessary to administer the 住宿 process or otherwise 法律允许. Such documentation may be shared only with those individuals involved in the 住宿 process on an as needed basis. 

During the 住宿 request process, DSR may:

A. 要求提供额外的文件;

B. 咨询人力资源办公室;

C. Evaluate whether any 住宿 is needed and, if it is, whether an 住宿 is reasonable and should be made (this evaluation may include preparing cost estimates);

D. 评估各种住宿条件;

E. Identify alternative 住宿s or solutions;

F. Provide information from resources about the capabilities of persons with similar disabilities and the 他们使用的工具/技术;

G. Determine a reasonable 住宿, if appropriate;

H. 向法院提供书面裁定 department/unit and faculty or staff member;

I. Explain the department/unit’s responsibility to fund an accepted 住宿 or seek alternative funding, if needed; 

DSR makes a determination regarding implementation of 住宿s. DSR will consider each request for reasonable 住宿 and determine: (1) whether the 住宿 is needed, (2) if needed, whether the 住宿 would be effective, and (3) if effective, whether providing the reasonable 住宿 would impose an undue hardship.


如果一个教员或 staff member or supervisor/unit administrator disagrees with the DSR determination, the decision may be appealed to the Vice President of 包容与公平, in writing to: 

Vice President of 包容与公平
4035詹姆斯H. •藏伯格 大厅


报复 against a faculty or staff member who requests an 禁止住宿. 个人觉得他们有 experienced retaliation may contact the 包容与公平司


4015詹姆斯H. •藏伯格大厅
616/355 - 3270 (TDD)
616/331 - 3880(传真)