Academic Misconduct Policies and Procedures

Information regarding Academic Misconduct can be found in the GVSU本科生和研究生目录 或者在 学生的权利和责任 (见第5节).第1和第6条.1).


Questions can be directed to the Office of 学生的行为 and 解决冲突 by email at (电子邮件保护)


For detailed 信息 on addressing academic misconduct in your classroom, 请观看这个有用的视频.



Academic misconduct is defined as any action or behavior that misrepresents one’s contributions to or the results of any scholarly product submitted for credit, 评价, 或传播. The following behaviors contradict the values of the University community and are subject to action under the 锚. 这包括但不限于:

尝试使用材料, 信息, or aids that have not been authorized by the instructor for academic work.

Unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing academic assignments offered for credit, and collaboration with another person to commit a violation of any section of the rules on academic misconduct.

提交ting work that has been previously graded, or is being submitted concurrently to more than one 课程, without authorization from the instructor(s) of the class(es) to which the student wishes to submit.


伪造: 操纵研究材料, 设备, 或过程, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record. 

制造: Making up data or results and recording or reporting them. 


拨款的, 购买, 作为礼物接受, or obtaining by any means material that is attributable in whole or in part to another source without any indication or citation of the original source, 包括单词, 句子, 的想法, 插图, 结构, 计算机代码, 以及其他表达方式或媒介, and presenting that material as one’s own academic work being offered for credit or in conjunction with a program, 课程, 或学位要求.


OSCCR works collaboratively with all GVSU faculty members to address academic misconduct concerns. Academic misconduct procedures apply to any allegation of academic misconduct that happens in a 课程, 学习计划, 或研究. Violations of the standards of academic integrity that fall outside this definition will follow the General Conduct Procedures defined in Section 6.2.

If an instructor suspects any instance of academic misconduct, the instructor must notify and meet with the student to discuss the incident. 根据会议的结果, the instructor may find there was no act of academic misconduct and take no further action. If the instructor finds there was an act of academic misconduct and the instructor would like to impose an academic penalty, the instructor must report the matter to OSCCR with sufficient evidence/relevant 信息 to substantiate their finding, and with a recommendation for the imposed academic penalty listed below:


• Require the student to redo the work in question.

• Reduce the student’s grade on the work in question.

• Impose a failing grade for the assignment, quiz, or examination.

• Impose a failing grade for the entire 课程.

6.1.2 Report of Academic Misconduct to the Office of 学生的行为 and 解决冲突
Upon receipt of a student conduct report regarding academic misconduct, the 解决冲突 Facilitator (CRF) will review the documentation, 与学生见面, 如有必要,也请指导员指导, to make one of the following determinations:

  • If the CRF finds that the claim of academic misconduct cannot be substantiated, 不会采取任何行动.
  • If the CRF finds that the claim of academic misconduct is substantiated and the student accepts responsibility for a violation of the 锚, the student may waive their right to a hearing and accept restorative measures appropriate to the circumstances. The CRF may decide to take one of the following actions:

    • Accept the recommendation from the instructor.

    • Adjust the recommendation from the instructor.

    • Assess additional restorative measures appropriate to the current act of academic misconduct.

    • After a review of the student’s conduct record, assess additional restorative measures.

  • If the CRF finds there is reasonable cause to believe that the student has engaged in an act of academic misconduct and the student does not accept responsibility for the violation, the CRF will work with the student and the instructor to refer the matter to a hearing.

The Hearing Officer will follow the procedures defined in Section and will be assigned per the procedures in Section 7.1.

The Appeal Officer will follow the procedures defined in Section 6.3 and will be assigned per the procedures in Section 7.2.

No corrective action or restorative measure(s) will be imposed by the instructor or the University until the matter reaches final resolution, 通过大学的行为程序.
