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GVPD police officers in a staggered line, wearing their blue patrol uniforms, posing in front of the Student Services fountain. K9 dog Koda is laying in front. One officer, a detective is in plain clothes. The officers are smiling.

Grand Valley Police

GVSU警察局是一个提供全方位服务的执法机构 负责执行国家的法律 Michigan and University rules and regulations. Sworn police officers 在艾伦代尔和大急流城巡逻并应对事故 Campuses. 我们警察局提供的额外服务 包括交通管制,贵重失物招领处,24 小时非紧急调度,司机协助,紧急关闭 announcements. The department is staffed by 20 sworn law enforcement 官员,3名职员和几个学生 employees. 额外的执法,消防和医疗支持 由Allendale消防救援,Georgetown消防救援,Grand提供 急流消防部门,生命EMS, AMR EMS,渥太华县中心 调度局,大急流城警察局,渥太华 县治安部门,以及密歇根州警察局.

Security employees, 4 in uniform, and 1 supervisor in plain clothes, posing in front of the Student Services fountain. Subjects are smiling.

Grand Valley Security

大峡谷安全局有未经宣誓的警员24小时值班, 7 days a week. 我们在艾伦代尔和大急流城校区都有业务.


大河谷警察局保持执法机构认可委员会(CALEA)的认可。, 确认GVPD达到或超过国际公认的执法机构标准的最佳做法. 这些标准为机构提供了政策、程序和问责制方面的最佳实践. Each year, GVPD必须向CALEA提供符合数百项标准的证明,以维持认证. 

GVPD最初于2022年11月通过CALEA认证. Reaccreditation will be occurring from 2022 to 2026, GVPD准备在2026年5月进行下一次现场检查. 

CALEA Public Comment Portal

Watch to Learn More About GVPD!

Grand Valley Police Department 2021 Orientation Video

Do what is right. Do your best. Treat others as you wish to be treated.

作为执法人员和本部门工作人员的期望, 我们追求我们的价值观,我们提供的所有服务,以大峡谷州立大学社区. 格兰谷州立大学已经确定了一项战略计划. While the mission, vision, 大学的价值观主要以学术为基础, 这个机构的组织价值体现了我们为工作人员提供的服务, live, and learn at GVSU.

Code of Ethics


"As a law enforcement officer, my fundamental duty is to serve the community; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the constitutional rights of all to liberty, equality and justice.

我将保持我的私生活不受玷污,作为所有人的榜样,我的行为方式不会给我或我的机构带来耻辱. I will maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. 在我的个人生活和工作中,思想和行为都是诚实的, 我将成为遵守法律和部门规章制度的模范. 我所看到或听到的任何具有机密性质的东西,或以我的公务身份向我透露的东西,除非在我履行职责时需要披露,否则将永远保密.

我从不多嘴,也不允许有个人感情, prejudices, political beliefs, aspirations, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. 对犯罪毫不妥协,对罪犯进行无情的起诉, 我将礼貌而恰当地执法,不带恐惧和偏袒, malice or ill will, 从不使用不必要的武力或暴力,从不接受小费.

我认为我的办公室徽章是公众信仰的象征, 只要我忠于警察的职业道德,我就接受这一公众的信任. I will never engage in acts of corruption or bribery, nor will I condone such acts by other police officers. 我将与所有合法授权的机构及其代表合作,寻求正义.


我将为实现这些目标和理想而不断努力, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession . . . law enforcement."

GVNext News

K9 Unit patrol car

Ottawa County to conduct K9 drills on GVSU campus

渥太华县正在格兰德谷举行K9搜救演习 Allendale Campus on May 4. The drill runs from 11 a.m. through 2 p.m.

May 1, 2024



A national test is slated for Oct. 4, while the GVSUAlert! test is Oct. 6.

Oct 2, 2023

A photo of the Cook Carillon Tower.


大峡谷将举办两场安全简报会,一场在艾伦代尔,另一场在 大急流城,2月23日为校园社区提供 博天堂官方网页GVSU的计划和系统的信息 an active shooting event.

Feb 21, 2023

New GVPD officers pose alongside President Mantella

Police Department welcomes two new officers

President Mantella swore in the officers this week. They will spend their first few months training.

Feb 9, 2023



系是密歇根州高校中唯一的一个 acheive CALEA certification

Dec 7, 2022

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Page last modified February 20, 2023