
在大峡谷州立大学,我们 让学习者 在他们的 追求职业目的. 这所大学通过优秀的教学来丰富社会, 活跃的奖学金, 权益推进, 公共服务.

据博士说. 约翰·奥滕霍夫,前临时首席运营官 大学及书院校董会协会,在文章中 “支持公民教育” (2019年5月), “Many thoughtful observers are convinced that one of America’s urgent needs today is a continued commitment to the principles of democracy.在这篇文章中, he cites a number of concerning trends which impact the nation and higher education, including “a lack of civic literacy and growing skepticism about democracy as a system and way of life; racism, 排外情绪, 以及其他形式的不宽容.”

考虑到这些问题, we in higher education – and particularly here at GVSU - must take to heart our responsibility to educate students for informed and active citizenship. 根据奥滕霍夫的说法, “we cannot take for granted that democracy will continue to operate and thrive without intentional efforts from each subsequent generation. As leaders of the sector of society that is fundamentally charged with educating citizens, every college and university holds a measure of responsibility for the health of our democracy.”

As we seek to fulfill our mission and our commitment to educating students as citizens, they are sure to be challenged by ideas and experiences that are different from their own, 他们会遇到困难和挑战的情况. As we uphold our commitment to the First Amendment and maintain our deep commitment to our values of inclusion and equity, 作为GVSU的教育工作者, we must seek to equip our students to engage respectfully and productively with a wide variety of ideas and speech.

记住所有这些, 请考虑以下资源, 旨在支持学生在校园进行表达性活动.



向那些与你不同的人学习,并愿意探索新的想法. 先听,问问题,试图理解别人的观点. 


如果你不同意校园里的表达活动,那就用更多的表达来回应. 如果一个演讲者来到校园,你不同意他的观点,或者觉得他冒犯了你, you can peacefully respond by organizing an event or hosting a conversation to explore the issue. Engage the campus community respectfully and productively through more dialogue.



Forethought, careful planning , systemic responsibility and civic courage MATTER. 有很多方法可以做出改变! 一些例子包括:

  • 志愿服务、慈善、倡导: 通过回馈来改变你的社区.
  • 协作解决问题: Engage in deliberative dialogue to find solutions to shared problems through campus committees and public boards.
  • 治理: 参与GVSU学生会的活动-参加大会, 竞选公职, 代表GVSU的学生团体. 投票!
  • 非暴力反抗: 发起或签署请愿书,参加游行或抗议.


如果你正在考虑抗议作为一种改变的方式, 首先问自己一些重要的问题. 

  • 你的目标是什么?? 抗议活动能达到这些目标吗? 这一行动可能会产生什么样的潜在影响? 广泛地考虑对问题的影响, 你解决问题的能力, 校园内外他人的安全, 还有你自己的名声. 
  • 我们要先找谁谈? Are there other ways that we could address this issue in order to solve the problem, 而不是抗议?
  • 哪些校园领导可能有助于实现你的目标? 你会邀请什么样的合作伙伴呢? 有可能建立关系吗? 或者因此受损?


你已经考虑过所有可能的后果了. 你已经用尽了其他选择. 你找了所有合适的人. 你已经阅读并理解了 GVSU理由和设施使用政策. 你已经准备好为自己的行为承担全部责任. 如果你仍然选择抗议,请看下面的安全提示.


GVSU is committed to freedom of expression and respects the non-threatening voicing of opinions and ideas. 大学鼓励所有参加抗议活动的人安全抗议. 以下是一些建议:

  • 通读并理解 GVSU理由和设施使用政策 在参加GVSU的表达活动之前.
  • 避免侵犯他人权利的活动, 例如阻挡和阻止他人的移动或接近.
  • 遵从警务人员或公职人员的合法指示, 比如躲在路障后面, 从被宣布为非法集会的地区驱散, 不拒捕. 不服从警察的合法命令是违法的.
  • Leave any area where others are engaging in illegal activities or acts of violence. Your presence may be interpreted as participating in a riot or illegal group action. 
  • 禁止在校外留宿.
  • Refrain from speech that incites others to commit acts of violence such as pushing, 踢人或随地吐痰, 或者其他违法行为.
  • 做出明智的决定. If you choose to engage in civil disobedience and get arrested, know the potential consequences. 联系 学生行为和冲突解决办公室 了解更多信息.
  • If you believe your rights have been violated by a police officer or other public official, ask for his/ her/ their name and badge number (if a police officer) and file a complaint after the situation has calmed down or concluded. 正式的投诉或指控可向法院提出 GVPD. 的 学生Ombuds 办公室也为学生提供非正式投诉解决. 
  • 了解自己的权利: http://www.aclumich.org/en/know-your-rights/know-your-rights-when-you-protest 
  • 随身携带手机、带照片的身份证和一个小手电筒放在口袋或钱包里.
  • 穿舒适的小跟或没有跟的鞋子. 鞋带要双系以免绊倒.
  • 避免穿着可能危险的衣服和配饰, 比如长首饰,可能会缠在一起或被拉扯.
  • 走路时尽量远离人群. 绕过去,而不是穿过人群. 
  • Remember that most 示威活动 are peaceful although they can become violent and your appearance can make you a target.  不要让一群人参与有争议的讨论. 
  • If the crowd or anyone in it taunts or insults you, just move on and don’t engage.
  • 考虑戴上口罩来保护自己和他人. 
  • 如果你预计要进入人群或可能被人群所困, 试着带上一个“伙伴”,不要一个人去.


作为一个公共机构,GVSU不能限制基于内容的表达活动. 我们可能不同意所说或表达的内容, 但鉴于我们对言论自由的承诺, 演讲者或团体享有宪法赋予的言论自由权利, 除非演讲威胁到暴力或违反了学校的政策.


GVSU的使命是 赋予学习者追求、专业和目标的能力.”  One way we do this is by creating conditions for students to become active, global citizens. GVSU致力于学生选民的全面参与, 曼特拉总统在 All In Campus Democracy Challenge’s Presidential Commitment to Full Student Voter Participation.  As Lakers, we have the responsibility to actively engage in our communities and our democracy.  

因为GVSU是一所公立大学, 我们有义务也有特权维护美国宪法第一修正案.S. 宪法保障GVSU的言论自由权利, 不考虑所表达的观点. 另外, lawful and non-disruptive public 示威活动 are not restricted based upon content and GVSU’s 场地和设施使用政策 支持此类活动. 我们也坚定地致力于包容和公平的价值观.  的 way that we talk to and treat one another at Grand Valley matters - Lakers treat all people with dignity and respect. 

我们在一起 – 即使我们意见不一致. 这是我们共同的责任, 作为湖人社区和人类大家庭的一员, 继续对话, 问问题, 寻求解决方案, 寻找对方的优点. 

GVSU is committed to safeguarding individual’s constitutional rights to free speech and assembly and, we are also committed to addressing incidents that may negatively affect individuals and/or communities at the university. 如果在大峡谷社区有人感到被轻视, 得不到尊重, 或者根据他们的身份被隔离, 有一个机制,通过校园气候关注 报告事件.




大峡谷州立大学 strives to create an inclusive and equitable campus community where people are treated with dignity and respect. 如果在大峡谷社区有人感到被轻视, 得不到尊重, 或者根据他们的身份被隔离, 有一个机制来报告事件校园气候关注系统. 的 university is committed to safeguarding individual’s constitutional rights to free speech and assembly and we are also committed to addressing incidents of 校园气候问题 that may negatively affect individuals and/or communities at the university. 

Grand Valley facilitates educational dialogue to ensure that individuals understand both their right to free expression within the community and the impact of their expression on individuals and/or the community. 任何时候有事件报告, the reporting party will be contacted and informed about support resources available to them at the university. Incidents reported through the 校园气候问题 system may violate university policies or the student code. 的se incidents will be investigated through the proper adjudicating body or bodies.


的 场地和设施使用政策 includes specific information about expressive activity on campus

University property is primarily dedicated to academic, student life and administrative functions. 但它也代表了“思想的市场”,“尤其是对学生来说, many areas of campus represent a public forum for speech and other Expressive Activities.

供学生及注册学生组织使用, 校园的某些区域是言论自由的场所, 包括演讲, 示威活动, 以及文学作品的分布, 如本政策所规定. 如果您有任何疑问,请与 学生生活活动服务小组办公室 电话:331-2350或Kirkhof中心1110.


额外的 学生支援资源 可以在上面找到吗 学生事务处 网站.
