
Going to University, especially in the US, is very exciting and also intimidating. We know you have plenty of questions and we are here to help guide you. Please take your time to review the information on this 页面 and let us know what questions arise by emailing us at (电子邮件保护) 


GVSU international students in downtown Grand Rapids in front of the LOVE sign sponsored by the Frey Foundation


You will be able to apply for your visa as soon as you have received your I-20, 缴付所需的SEVIS费用 www.fmjfee.com, AND the US Embassy in your country has opened for non-immigrant visa appointments.  Please check the US Embassy 网站 in your country for details: www.状态.政府

请发邮件给Astin Martin (电子邮件保护) for details on how to defer or apply for a future semester at GVSU.

Be prepared to show that you are academically and financially a strong candidate to enter the US. You must be able to convince the Visa Officer that your specific degree at GVSU will make a difference in your future in your home country. We believe that finances will be heavily scrutinized during this time.

Detailed process and advice can be found on the 签证的建议 powerpoint on the 准备页面


我们强烈建议新生飞往大急流城机场: Gerald R. 福特国际、代码 嗯……. Flying into a larger airport such as Chicago or Detroit and then taking public transportation is not recommended.

The Grand Rapids airport is small with a helpful information desk, 只有5个行李传送带, 现场出租车服务. 



Students living on or off-campus should organize their own transportation using:

  • 当地的出租车公司,如Metro Cab (616) 827-6500 或黄色出租车 (616) 459-4646  (费用各不相同,请查看现金和银行卡选项)
  • a transport app such as Uber or Lyft (cost varies - need to download in advance, 检查现金和银行卡的选择)
  • 受信任的本地资源 V's Anytime专车服务有限公司 616-406-9664

Buses and trains are not an option from the Grand Rapids airport. Please be prepared by booking your transportation to your accommodation in advance or waiting for a taxi upon arrival.


任何时候都要随身携带所有重要文件. 这 includes passport, I-20, flight itinerary, prescriptions, insurance cards, etc. 不要把这些东西放在托运行李里. 他们应该和你在一起. 

如果您携带任何处方药到美国, you must bring an English translation of the prescription with them. 把这些放在你的随身行李里(不要放在你的托运包里). In case prescriptions are needed while you are here your insurance carrier LewerMark 能协助解决有关续杯的问题吗.

Let your family know it might take up to 24 hours after your planned arrival time to get in touch with them. Reassure yourself and your family that even if it takes longer than expected, 你会尽快和我联系的!



We encourage you, as an international student, to live on-campus. 参观 博天堂官方住宅 申请网址. 涂抹时,使用 转移应用程序 to gain access to apartment style options which include kitchens. Students who apply as freshman are required to live in dorm-style units. 湖人村 is strongly recommended since most international students live in this community, 它的价格处于中间价位, 它是国际大厦的所在地. 如果可能的话,学生需要提供家庭住址. 如果申请不接受你的地址, please use the 帕德诺斯国际中心 address: 帕德诺斯国际中心, Allendale街130号, MI 49401.

如果校园住宿不能满足你的需求, 在校外 也有住房. 除了链接页面, the ISS Team has put together this list of off-campus apartments near our Allendale, 健康, 以及大急流城/皮尤校区:


请注意, living off-campus requires students to be entirely responsible for their housing situation--we have limited ability to support students who choose off-campus housing.


本科 students will be contacted by their academic advisor in May or June (for FALL) or November (for WINTER) to register for classes. 一定要及时回复邮件, as it is important to have a set class schedule before arriving to Grand Valley.

研究生 students should contact their own academic advisor in May or June (for FALL) or November (for WINTER). All students should have their classes before international student orientation. There will be a chance during orientation to make last minute changes, but you should have a solid schedule by the time you arrive to Grand Valley.

GVSU no longer requires students, faculty or staff to be vaccinated. 标准接种疫苗 are still recommended (Tuberculosis, Polio, Tetanus, MMR, Varicella, etc). 推荐的疫苗可在 州立大学家庭健康中心.   

由于医疗机构的联邦法规, students in health and health-related programs who have placements will still be required to receive the COVID vaccine or follow the exception process outlined on the 健康合规网站.    


US Customs and Immigration requires anyone entering the USA with $10,000 USD cash or more to declare this money with Form FinCEN 105 when entering the country. If you intend to pay your tuition with cash, please instead consider sending the money via Convera 而是拿来一张即期汇票. 这些是更安全的方法. 如果你不申报你所携带的金钱, you may be fined and all the money may be seized (taken away permanently). 


To connect with other international students at Grand Valley through ISS, we recommend you follow GViStudents 在Instagram. 访问 湖人的链接 找到你可能感兴趣的学生组织.


通过购买学校的膳食计划, you are allowed a certain number of meals per week to be used at any on-campus dining locations. 膳食计划可以通过 莱克食品公司. 网站. 更多信息也可在 了解GVSU膳食计划 文档.


我们建议您在抵达后购买现收现付的计划. 在您收到您的 社会安全号码, you will be able to purchase a service contract for your cell phone. Cell phone carriers will be on campus during the required International Student 取向.


All international students are required to purchase our mandatory health insurance through LewerMark. 这 页面 在我们的网站上有更多的信息.

New 国际学生 are required to pay the full balance of their Student Account by the payment deadline at 5:00pm EST; payment plans are possible the first semester. 登录 MyBanner 查看您的学生帐户. 请注意 that accounts are not billed tuition until after students have registered for courses.

有关付款方式的详细信息请参阅 学费 页面. 
