Internship Documents

Please visit the Internship Management System page for the internship formThis form should be completed after you have secured an internship and have met with your internship mentor to discuss internship goals. Students are eligible to sign up for PSM 691 once this form has been submitted to the PSM coordinator.

Internship Sign-up Sheet

Internship Report Guidelines

Internship Report Template

Internship Oral Presentation Guidelines

Internship Oral Presentation Template

Internship Poster Presentation Guidelines

Internship Poster Template

Document Type

Winter Semester


Fall Semester

Final Internship Presentation Sign-up

25 March 2024

25 June 2024

15 November 2024

Final Internship Report (PSM 691)

1 April 2024

 1 July 2024

1 December 2024

Final Internship PowerPoint Slides (PSM 691)

Health Informatics & Bioinformatics: 10 April 2024

Data Science & Analytics: 12 April 2024

12 July 2024

06 December 2024

Final Internship Presentations

Health Informatics & Bioinformatics: 11 April 2024

Data Science & Analytics: 18 April -19 April 2024



Please be advised that the Final Internship Oral Presentation dates are subject to change in accordance with the semester schedule. Students will be notified once you sign-up on the Internship Presentation sign-up sheet.

PSM 691-Final Internship Submissions

* denotes a required field

Contact Information

PSM 691 Final Internship Submissions

Are you graduating this semester? *

Are you currently pursuing an internship/completed your internship requirement? *

Did you register for the Final Internship presentation? *

Register for the Internship Presentation on our sign-up Google Sheet.

Informative/Social/Networking PSM Events

Did you have a PSM Coordinator Check-in during your Master's? *

Let us know if you'd like to set up an appointment with the PSM Coordinator regarding your internship? *

Did you attend the PSM Introduction to Internship workshop in the Fall semester? *

Are you an international student? *

Are you aware of CPT/OPT Authorizations? *

Did you attend the CPT/OPT Workshop in the Winter Semester? *

Did you visit the career center for a resume/cover letter review or otherwise? *

We recommend you visit the career center at least once.

Have you attended a GVSU Career Fair during your Master's (February/October)? *

Were you able to attend a Panel Discussion? *

Were there any GVSU/PSM networking events that you attended during your Master's? *

Agree and Submit *

Human Verification *

Page last modified July 2, 2024