
我们知道技术需要适应性. 写作中心, 因此, 目标是成为你所在的地方, 当你需要我们时, 尽我们所能.

Below are a variety of ways in which the Writing Center can assist you as a writer in the world of advanced technology - whether that means you're a student taking online classes, a tech-savvy writer who prefers the computer to the pen, or a private learner who'd rather learn on your own than in a crowd. 


We have multiple online service options to help meet your needs and preferences, all of which can be explored by browsing through our available online services and 博天堂官方 如果您有任何具体的问题或担忧.

向右, 我们对一些常见问题做了一些说明, as well as some additional resources that may be helpful to you and your project.


是的! 我们的 writing consultants are adaptable and do their best to help you in whatever way works best for you; however, all online services 要求您参与咨询. 

我们的 synchronous consultation options, drop-ins and appointments, require you to chat with the consultant in real time through Google Meet或Google Docs. 

我们的异步咨询选项, 电子邮件,要求您提交 您的项目和其他信息 . 然后反馈 在72小时内还给你. 如果你提交了一个项目 书 while the Writing Center is closed, the 72 hour window will begin once all of our services open on the next scheduled day.

我们的 new system requires permission to access our email service, so 请填写一张 额外的 服务请求 表格或联系帕特里克·约翰逊 ((电子邮件保护)),如果你需要访问.  

If you share a Google Doc, your consultant will reach out through the chat feature of Google Docs to help direct you to our scheduling 系统, . 一旦你 are logged in and in the drop-in queue, the consultant can begin your consultation and will ask you questions to learn more about your paper 以及你想从哪些方面着手. 

Your writing consultant will also share a Google Meet link in case you would like to speak directly to your consultant through the use of 音频和/或视频.

不确定如何在谷歌文档中共享文档? 我们的 指南 也许能帮上忙!

When it is time to begin your scheduled session, log into 书 to 检查你的咨询. 确保定期刷新你的 网页,以便查看约会状态更新! 一旦你的 consultant is ready, an "Enter Appointment" Button will 出现在你的“我的约会”页面. 接下来,单击 "Enter Appointment" button and you will be linked to a 谷歌会议室. 

的 Google Meet link will allow you to meet with your consultant face-to-face in a video chat room so that you can begin working on and discussing what you would like to cover in the consultation.

Unsure about the use of 音频和/或视频 in a consultation? 跟 your writing consultant at the beginning of your consultation to share any concerns, and ask about the benefits of using Google Meet during 你的写作咨询. 我们的写作顾问可以适应您的需求 needs; this can include using only the audio feature of Google Meet, or communicating through only the Google Docs chat feature.

If you are having trouble sharing a Google Doc for an appointment, joining in a 谷歌会议室, or are having issues with audio and 视频,别担心! 你的写作顾问会联系你 通过您的GVSU学生电子邮件来帮助解决问题. 

Here are a few places you can reach out to in order to help get 问题回答:

  • Did your internet stall in the middle of a consultation? 电子邮件 你在 (电子邮件保护) once you're back up and running to let them know what happened
  • 有关知识市场的任何快速问题,请访问 虚拟的知识 市场前门 和前台谈谈
  • Have a specific question about the Writing Center or our services? Patrick Johnson,写作中心主任((电子邮件保护)),他们会的。 稍后再联系你
  • For any technology questions or issues with your GVSU student 电邮帐户、资讯科技服务台((电子邮件保护))也许能帮上忙



写作中心 will be accessible virtually during all hours of operation. All GVSU students will be able to connect via Google Meet & Google Docs to work in real time with a consultant on any type of writing or project. 除了写作支持, 语言实验室, 研究中心, and 数字创作者实验室 are also accessible online as part of the 虚拟知识市场, meaning that all GVSU students will have virtual access to the full range of 知识市场 services. 

欲知详情,请浏览知识市场 网站, or speak directly to a receptionist through clicking the image on the right.   


电子邮件 consultations, unlike all of our other services, are 不同步; meaning, writers are asked to submit their papers using our scheduling software, 书. 然后给顾问 72小时答复 与反馈, and the paper is returned to the student with written feedback based on areas of concern highlighted by the writer or based on areas noticed by the consultant during their 1小时的复习/阅读 time. You are able to submit and have up to two separate documents in the email consultation queue at one time. 登录 提交您的项目并开始!

For more information about email consultations, click the pic!

我们的 previous email portal is closed, 请填写一张 其他服务请求 form or contact Patrick Johnson, Writing Center Director ((电子邮件保护))博天堂官方网页在书中访问电子邮件支持.



Curious what to expect when it comes to face-to-face and online consultations? 访问我们的 如何准备 page to learn more about what an online consultation looks like.


参观我们的 写作资源 for help ranging from the writing process, to grammar, citations, formatting, and more! 我们的 写作资源 come in a variety of formats including videos, 施舍, and illustrations to support a variety of learning styles. 找不到你要找的东西? 参观 资源市场 额外的自助支持,或 博天堂官方!


的 资源市场 is part of 虚拟知识市场 services and brings together resources from the 研究中心, 语音实验室, 数字创作者实验室, and Writing Center to provide a wide range of self-指南d support. 的 search bar auto populates with ideas based on your search terms, and resources are designed to be easy to find and use. 





还有其他问题吗?? 博天堂官方 我们会尽快给你答复!
