
GVSU recognizes that some regular faculty and staff members may want to gradually phase into retirement by reducing their workload prior to full retirement. 另外, it may be to the benefit of both the faculty/staff member and the university to enter into an arrangement where the faculty/staff member’s workload and compensation are reduced as they approach retirement. 在可能的情况下, the university and the faculty/staff member may elect to enter into a phased retirement agreement.


A phased retirement is when an employee reduces their workload and compensation during their final years of GVSU employment. 例如, a full-time employee shifts to working half-time at half of their most recent compensation for a year before retiring. 的 employee does 不 enter official retiree status until the end 分阶段退休. 好处 that are 不 based on the faculty/staff member’s salary shall 继续全部 during this time.


Arrangements for a phased retirement require a mutual written agreement between the faculty/staff member and their respective dean/appointing officer, and are subject to the approval of the appropriate executive officer. Such arrangements must be designed to meet the mutual need of the faculty/staff member and their unit.


Although the terms 分阶段退休协议 may vary from individual to individual, 以下指引适用:

  • Must meet the official retiree status prior to the start of the agreement (age plus GVSU years of service equal at least 75).
  • 的 reduced workload must be a minimum of half-time or greater (.5 FTE).
    • A faculty member’s workload must be specifically stated in the agreement; a half-time appointment typically means teaching 9 hours with significant scholarship and service detailed in the agreement, or, teaching 12 hours with limited scholarship and service.
    • A staff member’s workload 将 be specifically stated to demonstrate the appropriate FTE appointment.
  • 的 faculty/staff member must declare their actual retirement date at the time the phased retirement agreement.
  • 的 duration of the agreements are limited to two years.
  • 的 faculty/staff member’s pay shall reflect their adjusted workload.
  • 好处 based on pay 将 reflect the faculty/staff member’s 调整后的工资.
    • 退休和FICA供款.
    • 人寿保险范围.
    • Salary Continuation and Long-term Disability Insurance 覆盖范围,只适用于 .终身退休 协议或更多.
    • 休假工资.
  • 好处 不 based on the faculty/staff member’s pay shall 继续全部.
    • 医疗计划范围.
    • 牙科保险计划.
    • Academic Participation and Dependent Tuition Reduction.
    • 灵活支出账户.
    • Eligibility for voluntary optical and long-term care insurance plans.
    • Campus Wellness Programs and use of facilities.
    • 搬迁援助计划.
  • For 分阶段退休s, benefit coverage 将 end upon completion 分阶段退休协议. 好处 将 不 continue beyond the retirement date. 博天堂官方网页的语言 福利的延续 大学 政策研究组第5期.01 does 不 apply to phased retirement.
  • Office arrangements on phased retirement may need to be shared offices.
  • Notice of the intent to enter into such agreement shall normally be provided at least six (6) months prior to the anticipated start 分阶段退休. Please refer to the application forms for 具体的截止日期.

Upon signature of the agreement, the terms and conditions of the document shall be binding on the university and the faculty/staff member and may be only be amended by mutual agreement.

  • Phased retirements are at the sole discretion of the executive 提供. 的re is no entitlement or expectation for the individual.
  • Phased retirements are 不 available for bargaining unit employees.
  • Phased retirements are limited to 2 years.
  • EO’s must sign off on a comprehensive plan detailing how the work 将 be distributed (current state vs. 未来状态),又如何 成本将被吸收. This plan 将 be provided to HR and budget office.
  • 的re can be no full-time FTE growth attributable to the phased retirement.
  • No additional funding 将 be provided to support the phased retirement, all adjustments must come from base resources through 优先级和重新分配. 薪金储蓄从减少 workload of the employee on the phased retirement may be reallocated to hire temporary, adjunct or other non-benefit employees if needed. Visiting professors (with benefits) may be hired for the term of the phased retirement provided total compensation (including benefits) is covered by the salary savings of the person on phased retirement.
  • Divisional reserves can不 be used to support phased retirement 工作量分配计划. 例外情况可以考虑 critical AP staff where a new hire is required to work full-time during a limited transition period while the retiring staff member overlaps to pass off organizational knowledge and key duties. 的 maximum phased retirement time period for critical AP positions and use of reserves in this instance shall 不 exceed six months.
  • Phased retirements and sabbaticals can不 happen simultaneously.
  • Phased retirements can不 start until after one year after a 休假结束了.
